Hiper d.o.o.

Adresa: Miškova 13, Kuče,
10419 Vukovina

Mario Josić
Mobitel: +385 (91) 754 9036
E-Mail: mario.josich@gmail.com


Built-in prefabricated swimming pools
The wide range of models offered, with easy installation and financially favorable conditions, make this type of pool an extremely good and acceptable solution. Mounting pools are assembled from pre-fabricated elements made of panels or rolls. They consist of metal construction, fixture elements and PVC inner linings.
They are equipped with mounting devices for circulation and purification of water. Pools can stand alone on solid ground or can be partially or fully buried in the ground. The freestanding prefabricated swimming pool is assembled in just a few hours and transforms into a beautiful family bath. You can dismantle and save the pool placed on the surface after the bathing season is over until next season, or simply move it to another location.